DSNI seeks candidates for upcoming Board elections

DSNI is seeking nominations for our board of directors! Joining the DSNI board is an opportunity to shape the strategic and programmatic direction of the organization and play a role in the future of the neighborhood. The board term is two years starting in July 2017. DSNI’s board is representative of the community and a majority of the seats are reserved for residents. In order to run for the board, you must either be a resident of the Dudley Village Campus, our target area, or represent an entity or institution that is located within these boundaries (see the map of our neighborhood boundaries to see if you or someone you know qualifies).

There are 4 seats for Cape Verdean Residents, 4 for African American residents, 4 for Caucasian residents, 4 for Latino/a residents and 4 for youth residents between 15-17yrs of age. There are also 7 seats for representatives from nonprofit organizations, 2 for small businesses, 2 for CDCs and 2 for religious organizations. Nominees can self-identify. Residents of the neighborhood can nominate themselves or someone else until June 1.
Being on the board involves attending a monthly board meeting, being on 1 working committee, and attending at least 1 of our 3 annual events (Annual Meeting in June, Open House in January and Multicultural festival in August). All board nominees will be invited to attend an orientation in June and receive more details about member responsibilities. Board elections take place at DSNI’s Annual Meeting on Wednesday June 28th. If you are interested in learning more about DSNI’s board please contact Jose Barros, JBarros@dsni.org.
Nomination forms can be found online here or at our offices.