40th Anniversary Annual Meeting
Join Us for our 40th Anniversary Annual Meeting
Thursday June 27th at 6pm
at Shirley-Eustis House
33 Shirley Street Roxbury MA 02119
Join Us for our 40th Anniversary Annual Meeting
Thursday June 27th at 6pm
at Shirley-Eustis House
33 Shirley Street Roxbury MA 02119
Join us for an info session about buying a home on the DNI community land trust: Zoom Registration Link
Application Deadline: October 24th, 2023
Application Link: bit.ly/4_chamblet
Save the Date - for "Design in the Park"! Date: Sun. Oct 15, 2023. Time: 1-4pm. Location: Our Tierra Livri, 479 Dudley St, Roxbury, MA 02119, on the DNI Land Trust . Meet the Development and Design Team - DVM Consulting and Dorchester Bay EDC
You are invited to DNI's Annual Meeting! Friday September 29th, 5-7:30pm. Shirley Eustis Carriage House (33 Shirley Street, Roxbury). We are excited to bring together residents, partners and supporters to connect and celebrate the recent accomplishments of the DNI community land trust and its residents. Please RSVP for the event here.
Join us for an Info Session about buying a home on the DNI Community Land Trust
September 18 Zoom Registration Link
October 18 Zoom Registration Link
If you or someone you know is interested in learning about the process of buying an affordable home on a land trust, the Dudley Neighbors Inc. in partnership with the city of Boston is hosting two sessions on September 18 and October 18. The sessions will be held both in person at 550 Dudley St. and on zoom. If you are attending by zoom you must register ahead of time.
We invite you to join us for our Annual meeting. All ages are welcome to join us for food and fun activities.
At the annual meeting we celebrate the accomplishments of DSNI with a gathering of our community, and we will be electing our new board of directors. Our board is structured to give every group a voice including folks of different generations and cultural backgrounds, community partner organizations, and businesses.
Everyone is welcome to attend and join the festivities! If you live in our neighborhood in Roxbury and North Dorchester and you are a member of DSNI you can vote for board members who you think will be the best representatives of the community.
We’re excited to see you there!
Join us for a special Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) meeting on Thursday June 22 at 6-8pm Join by Zoom. This SDC meeting will be dedicated to presentations from two bidders for the DNI-owned Our Tierra Livri site.
Dudley Neighbors, Inc. (DNI) has released the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Our Tierra Livri site, also known as Dudley Miller Park (483-487 Dudley Street). Through this RFP process, DNI seeks a developer for the site that can create a development plan which strengthens the Dudley Corridor business district; serves local residents and businesses; is realistic and financially sustainable over the long-term; and can deliver compensation to DNI for its costs for securing the land, engagement in community planning, conducting preliminary due diligence, and acting as the long-term steward of the property.
The Our Tierra Livri site is the 14,000 square ft. vacant lot near our office on 483-487 Dudley Street with giant wooden letters stating OUR TIERRA LIVRI (English, Spanish and Cape Verdean Creole for Our Liberated Land). The park became a part of the DNI community land trust in December of 2013.
Copies of the two proposals can be found here:
Dorchester Bay EDC/DVM Consulting RFP
Velney Development RFP
Tuesday April 18th, 5:30pm
550 Dudley Street, Roxbury
Join by zoom or call: (929) 205 6099, Meeting ID: 885 9474 2155
SDC meetings are on 4th Thursdays of the month. To join SDC or learn more contact Rene Mardones at rmardones@dsni.org or 617-442-9670 ext. 2.
The Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) is a committee composed of neighborhood residents and board members of DSNI and DNI. For more than 30 years, the Sustainable Development Committee has made recommendations on private development projects within the neighborhood and held the City accountable.
Tuesday April 18th, 5:30pm
550 Dudley Street, Roxbury
Organizing Committee meetings happen on every third Tuesday of the month. To learn more about getting involved contact Rene Mardones at rmardones@dsni.org or 617-442-9670 ext. 2.
The purpose of DSNI’s Organizing Committee is to educate members on issues that are relevant to our community’s well being, to develop and practice organizing and leadership skills, and to generate change at the neighborhood, City and State level.
Join Meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88594742155 or call: (929) 205 6099
Meeting ID: 885 9474 2155
Come to 550 Dudley St to meet in person (encouraged)
or Join Meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85468581701 or call: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 854 6858 1701
Join Meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88594742155 or call: (929) 205 6099
Meeting ID: 885 9474 2155
Join us for a community meeting about 555-559 Columbia Road, which will include affordable housing and a new branch of the Boston Public Library. The two development teams that submitted proposals will present their plans for the site and answer any questions.
You can join the meeting in person at the DSNI office located at 550 Dudley Street on Thursday Jan 19th at 6pm.
Or join virtually:
If you have any questions, email Natalie.Deduck@Boston.gov.
Acompáñenos en una reunión comunitaria sobre la reurbanización de 555-559 Columbia Road en Upham’s Corner el jueves 19 de enero a las 6 p. m. Este sitio incluirá viviendas asequibles y una nueva sucursal de la Biblioteca Pública de Boston para cumplir con la visión de la comunidad. Los dos equipos de desarrollo que presentaron propuestas presentarán sus planes para el sitio y responderán preguntas.
Puede asistir a la reunión en persona en la oficina de DSNI ubicada en 550 Dudley Street o participar de forma virtual en: bit.ly/555-559ColumbiaRd. Si tiene preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico a Natalie.Deduck@Boston.gov.
Come to 550 Dudley St to meet in person or
Join Meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86456544971 or call: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 864 5654 4971
Come to 550 Dudley St to meet in person or
Join Meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86456544971 or call: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 864 5654 4971
Join Meeting here https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86456544971 or call: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 864 5654 4971
Join Meeting here https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86456544971 or call: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 864 5654 4971
Join the DSNI Family on June 29th for our first in person annual meeting since 2019!
Join Meeting here https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86456544971 or call: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 864 5654 4971
Real estate and development have long been sectors tied to systemic racism, with rampant discrimination in everything from planning to development, financing to borrowing, and renting to buying. Changing the demographics of the industry itself is critical to achieving equity and to building wealth. What kinds of careers do real estate and development offer? What will it take to get people of color to consider these career paths? What can our secondary education institutions do to prepare young Bostonians for a successful career? What is the responsibility of current real estate and development professionals of color to the youth and young adults of the city? Focusing on property development and commercial real estate, this panel will address ways to get Boston youth and adults into the sector’s good-paying jobs.
Segun Idowu
Chief of Economic Opportunity & Inclusion, City of Boston
John Barros
Managing Principal, Cushman & Wakefield
Chrystal Kornegay
Executive Director, MassHousing
Dave Madan
Real Estate Developer, Boston Investments
President of Board of Directors, Builders of Color Coalition
Tamara Small
CEO, NAIOP Massachusetts, The Commercial Real Estate
Development Association
Join Meeting here https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86456544971 or call: (929) 205-6099
Meeting ID: 864 5654 4971
Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative I 550 Dudley Street, Roxbury, MA 02119 I phone: 617-442-9670 I email: urbanvillage@dsni.org I DONATE