DSNI has a long history of over 35 years, here are some key dates that make up our story:
DSNI was formed by Dudley residents seeking to reclaim a neighborhood that had been ravaged by disinvestment, arson fires and dumping. When many had given up, DSNI organized neighbors to create a comprehensive plan and a shared vision for a new, vibrant urban village. To secure development without displacement, DSNI gained eminent domain authority, purchased vacant land, and protected affordability.
This process led to family stability and the creation of a community land trust. Today, the once garbage-strewn lots have been rebuilt with quality affordable houses, parks, playgrounds, gardens, community facilities, and new businesses.
Through service on DSNI’s Board, residents lead an effort that includes all neighborhood stakeholders in a democratically-elected, community process. Together, DSNI has created greater civic participation, economic opportunity, community connections, and opportunities for youth. We have built community across our diversity of language, race, ethnicity, and age. We have invested in our young people and the youth in turn have invested in the community.