Message from Board President: Search for an Executive Director

Dear Friends,

As we celebrate Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative’s (DSNI’s) 35th anniversary, we are tackling present issues and creating a future where current residents are empowered to organize, plan for, create, and control our vibrant, diverse, and high-quality neighborhood in collaboration with our many community partners. Our rallying call of development without displacement has never felt so important.

We are currently engaged in a search for our next Executive Director. Interim Director, Denise Barros has been readying DSNI for a permanent Executive Director who we hope to have in place by May 2019. We are ready to have that leader join us and we think that our next Executive Director is likely to come from our talented networks.

This is an amazing opportunity full of both challenge and opportunity. The search committee expects candidates to have a minimum of ten years of senior management experience, fundraising experience, community organizing skills, a deep understanding of the community and city landscape, exceptional communication skills, and the ability to manage a dynamic and diverse staff through change with positive outcomes. A successful candidate will be an innovator who takes calculated risks and is politically savvy, believes strongly in the power of resident voice and control, and has the highest ethical standards. If you are that person or know that person, send them to this link.

At the same time, we’re conducting several other searches to complete our talented team. As we roll-out our current strategic plan we are looking to hire for the newly created position of Director of Organizing. And, our community land trust Dudley Neighbors Inc. (DNI) is hiring a Project and Operations Manager. Please visit the DSNI website for more details:

On behalf of the DSNI staff and board, thank you in advance for your support in spreading the word about these job opportunities and helping us find the best matches for these roles!


Keila Barros


President, Board of Directors & Chair, Executive Director Search Committee