Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI)
We empower residents of the Dudley Neighborhood of Roxbury and North Dorchester to organize, plan for, create and control a vibrant, diverse and high-quality neighborhood in collaboration with community partners.

New Direction:
DSNI’s main areas of focus encompass our mission and help us fulfill our commitment to work with the community to harness resident voices and foster local leadership. Are you interested in learning more about our strategic road map?
Save the Date - for "Design in the Park"! Date: Sun. Oct 15, 2023. Time: 1-4pm. Location: Our Tierra Livri, 479 Dudley St, Roxbury, MA 02119, on the DNI Land Trust . Meet the Development and Design Team - DVM Consulting and Dorchester Bay EDC.
You are invited to DNI's Annual Meeting! Friday September 29th, 5-7:30pm. Shirley Eustis Carriage House (33 Shirley Street, Roxbury). We are excited to bring together residents, partners and supporters to connect and celebrate the recent accomplishments of the DNI community land trust and its residents. Please RSVP for the event here
Join us for an info session about buying a home on the DNI Community Land Trust. Monday Sept. 18th and October 18th 6-7pm. Online and in person at 550 Dudley St.
Please join us at the Dudley Town Common Farmers Market located at 330 Dudley St on Thursday, September 14th from 2-5pm. Farmers market coupons will be available if you have not received coupons for September. First come, first served, one booklet per family.
Join the DSNI Family for our 2023 Annual Meeting. Food, Friends and Fun!!! Wednesday, June 28th at St. Patrick’s Church 5 - 8 PM. 10 Magazine Street, Roxbury (400 Dudley Street). We invite you to join us for our Annual meeting. All ages are welcome to join us for food and fun activities.
Join us for a special Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) meeting on Thursday June 22 at 6-8pm. Join by Zoom. This SDC meeting will be dedicated to presentations from two bidders for the DNI-owned Our Tierra Livri site.
Want to be a homeowner in Roxbury? We're excited to share that four newly constructed affordable homeownership units are available on our land trust! 8 Woodford Street, 21 Magnolia Street, and 23 Magnolia Street.
We invite you to join us for our Annual meeting. All ages are welcome to join us for food and fun activities. At the annual meeting we celebrate the accomplishments of DSNI with a gathering of our community.
DSNI is proud to convene and staff the Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network, which we co-founded with a diverse set of community groups in 2015. At that time, Dudley Neighbors Inc. was the only CLT in the Network, alongside neighborhood groups and nonprofits interested in starting their own CLTs.
The application for 4 Chamblet Street is up! This single family home is part of our Dudley Neighbors Inc. (DNI) Community Land Trust. This home will be sold by lottery and there will be a virtual information session hosted by the City of Boston on Oct 12th and a session hosted by DNI Oct 18th.