About DNI

Dudley Neighbors Incorporated (DNI) is a Community Land Trust created by DSNI to implement and to take ownership of that land and realize a vision of development without displacement.Dudley Neighbors Inc. is recognized as one of the nation's most successful urban community land trusts and serves as a model for other communities organizing to promote development without displacement and long-term control of the land.

Community Investment Tax Credit Program (CITC)

The Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) was signed into law by former Governor Deval Patrick in 2012. CITC is designed to support high-impact, community-led economic development initiatives that leverage private contributions and build strong local partnerships.

DNI is proud to have been awarded $150,000 in tax credits for 2019, and we want to help you take advantage of this generous and impactful program. 

To learn more, visit the original DNI Website

  • You can be an individual, corporation or non-profit to claim this tax credit.

  • It cuts the net cost of your contribution by up to 67%.

  • It doubles the benefit to DNI’s community land trust.


How dost CITC work?

CITC provides the donor a 50% tax credit against Commonwealth of Massachusetts tax liability. The minimum investment amount is $1,000.

More questions about CITC?

Your donation will support

Learn more about CITC by visiting our website.

Contact DNI Director, Tony Hernandez, at 617-442-9670 ext. 170

Contact Joceline Fidalgo at jfidalgo@dsni.org or 617-442-9670 ext. 110 Donations must be made to Dudley Neighbors Inc.

  • 227 units of affordable housing, community greenhouse, urban farm, parks and commercial space currently on the Land Trust

  • Providing resources and opportunities to support Land Trust homeowners

  • Expanding the Land Trust in Dudley and supporting other neighborhoods

  • Protecting residents from displacement

  • Negotiating community benefits for development projects