Community Organizing

Through community organizing with the mission of development without displacement, the DSNI community makes recommendations to developers and to the City of Boston about proposed developments in the area to make sure they are in line with neighborhood priorities. DSNI works to preserve and support the creation of more affordable housing in the neighborhood, including through the Community Land Trust (CLT). Residents, board members, community members, and youth take leadership at a neighborhood and City level to drive policy changes, anti-displacement strategies and civic engagement.

Our Committees

  • The Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) is a committee composed of neighborhood residents and board members of DSNI and DNI. For more than 30 years, the Sustainable Development Committee has made recommendations on private development projects within the neighborhood and held the City accountable. The City always lets SDC members know if there are any developments coming to the DSNI area, to make sure that residents are informed. Through SDC, residents have a seat at the table and exercise their right to be involved in decision-making.

    At monthly SDC meetings, members review, discuss and make recommendations to developers and to the City of Boston about proposed developments in the area to make sure they are in line with neighborhood priorities. SDC makes its final recommendations to DSNI's Board of Directors, which decides if DSNI supports or opposes a project.

    To join SDC or learn more contact Rene Mardones at or 617-442-9670 ext. 6

    Meetings are on 4th Thursdays of the month. Check out our events page for information about our upcoming meetings that are public and open to residents of the Dudley Triangle neighborhood.

  • About the Greenhouse

    The Dudley Greenhouse is a community growing space on the Dudley Neighbors, Inc. community land trust that serves as a resource center for community gardeners to grow seedlings, learn from each other’s expertise, and attend workshops. Since 2010, The Food Project has managed the 10,000-square-foot greenhouse in partnership with the Greenhouse Advisory Committee. Each year, 200 neighborhood residents and community groups grow produce in the greenhouse.

    About the Greenhouse Advisory Committee

    Part of DSNI’s mission is to organize residents to convert vacant land into gardens, and promote access to locally-grown, healthy food. The Greenhouse Advisory Committee is an elected body of neighborhood residents that makes decisions regarding the greenhouse. Each year, committee members review applications for garden beds and seedling production space and decide how to allocate the available space.

    Apply for Growing Space

    Want to use space in the Dudley Greenhouse? Each summer, The Food Project and the Greenhouse Advisory Committee accept applications from organizations and individuals who want to work in partnership to create greenhouse projects. Click here for more information and to apply.

  • The purpose of DSNI’s Organizing Committee is to educate members on issues that are relevant to our community’s well being, to develop and practice organizing and leadership skills, and to generate change at the neighborhood, City and State level. Members develop leadership skills while planning events, doing outreach, and door-knocking to get more people involved in DSNI. The committee focuses on land use planning, engaging with developers, and generating awareness of CLTs in the community through popular education. By taking community control of planning processes and implementation, members make concrete demands for what is needed in the Dudley Triangle neighborhood.

    Organizing Committee meetings happen on every third Tuesday of the month. To learn more about getting involved contact Rene Mardones at or 617-442-9670 ext. 6. Check out our events page for information about our upcoming meetings that are public and open to residents of the Dudley Triangle neighborhood.


Resident Support

DSNI supports residents in advocating for greater access to public resources and services in the neighborhood. Our organization provides opportunities for residents to build their assets and wealth, and meaningful education and leadership opportunities. An additional focus has been to provide youth with training and leadership opportunities, organize campaigns designed and led by youth, and organize and support parents, students, and school leaders to improve schools in the Dudley neighborhood.

  • DSNI has a vibrant culture of homeowner mutual support and engagement. With many homeowners having lived on the land trust for decades, our community is tight knit. We also have specific programming for seniors. This is an important part of community engagement and organizing at DSNI.

    Community members attend our holiday events. We partner with the YMCA of Boston among others to offer food and toy distribution. To learn about upcoming events visit our event page.

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  • The goal of the Dudley Real Food Hub, a partnership between DSNI, The Food Project, and Alternatives for Community and Environment is to create opportunities to build healthier food habits, a stronger food culture, and more active lifestyles for residents of Roxbury and North Dorchester. Food Hub is every Friday 11-2 at 550 Dudley St. Roxbury

  • DSNI is partnering with Boston Children’s hospital to support homeless students in our community. Family-Led Stability Initiative (FLSI), building on its pilot phase, plans to house families of 500 homeless students within three years by expanding collaboration among current seven partners and schools to up to 13 additional schools and additional partners already working in the schools and school social workers and homelessness liaisons.