2017-2019 DSNI Board of Directors


  • Nikkia Andrarde
  • Keila Barros
  • Thali Barros
  • Trayce Booth
  • Paul Bothwell
  • Evelyn Correa-Gonzalez
  • Fabienne Eliacin
  • Joshua Fidalgo
  • Valduvino Goncalves
  • Robert Haas
  • Samuel Hurtado
  • Sr. Margaret Leonard
  • Ester Lopes
  • Michelle Mendes
  • Martin Oliver
  • Laura Papia
  • Ivelise Rivera
  • Estela Rosario
  • Shannon Simpson
  • Kaymari Tejeda

Non-Profit Agencies

  • Bird Street Community Center
  • Children's Services of Roxbury
  • Dudley Street Neighborhood Charter School
  • First Teacher
  • The Food Project
  • Orchard Gardens School
  • Project Hope


  • Ideal Sub Shop
  • Suffolk Construction Company

Religious Organizations

  • Restoration City of Defenders Boston Church
  • St. Patrick's Church

Community Development Corporations

  • Dorchester Bay EDC
  • Madison Park CDC

The Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative is governed by 35-member Board of Directors. Community-wide board elections are held every two years at the DSNI annual meeting. 

Equal representation is provided for the community’s four major cultures – African American, Cape Verdean, Latino and White. The overall structure of the board is composed as follows:

  • 16 Residents from the whole area
  • 7 Nonprofit agencies representing the Health and Human Service fields from the whole area
  • 2 Community Development Corporations
  • 2 Small Businesses
  • 2 Religious Organizations
  • 4 Youths from the core area (ages 15-17)
  • 2 Residents appointed by the newly elected board


I, _____________, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, pledge to empower Dudley residents to organize, plan for, create and control a vibrant, diverse, and high quality neighborhood in collaboration with community partners.

I further pledge to support the residents’ and the community’s right to:

  • shape all plans, programs, and policies affecting our quality of life
  • control the development of neighborhood land
  • live in a healthy and safe family-supportive environment
  • celebrate our vibrant cultural diversity
  • education and training, jobs and economic opportunities
  • quality, affordable housing
  • quality, affordable child care
  • safe, accessible public transportation
  • quality goods and services
  • a full spiritual and religious life.

Click here to view the By-Laws of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, Inc.